Tuesday 18 October 2011

Super 8

3 act structure:
1. From the beginning to the train crash business.
This includes the opening, which was the mum's death sequence, it established the back-story and the characters. It also began the narrative arc of the boy letting go of his mother, and established the setting, film-making theme and the motif of the power surges related to the alien.

2. From the train crash to the army bus crash.
Thus basically built the intensity and urgency. Also began the decent of the town into chaos. 

3. Bus crash to the end.
Closure was reached as the alien was freed, the son and dad come together (pay off was in the hug) and the son was finally able to let go of his mother. 

Letting go of his mother's necklace was a good pay off and also an end to the aforementioned narrative arc; he lets go of his mother and is no longer dependant on her and can finally accept her death.

The father and son are moving in different narrative arcs in the same direction, trying to work out the motives and conspiracies behind the air force's train crash. Their arcs meet in act 3.

The production value was INSANELY high. There were a lot of special effects and pyrotechnics. Also a public place was used, not a studio. 

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