Sunday 9 October 2011

Analysing Film Openings: Local Hero
Like Brokeback Mountain, this film has the institutes involved in production, shown at the beginning, only as this film is older it has most of the other members involved, credited as well.
This film probably has very high production values as many crane-shots and such are used even at this very early stage in the film.
This opening establishes that the film is lighthearted immediately. The sound gives the audience an idea of the setting and tone. The sound is diagetic as it is the radio station that the man in the car is listening to. The enthusiastic radio-voice is contrasted with the man in the car looking very bored, this juxtaposition is comedic. A tracking shot of a white car, and a close-up of the man in it, are followed by a tilt shot of a very tall building, possibly to reveal some more aspects or themes of the plot. From here non-diegetic sound, such as a voice-over and some upbeat music is used over a montage of some oil pipes. This denotes some kind of revolutionary idea, also building a greater picture of what the film may continue to involve. It is then revealed that the oil-pipes series is actually a video playing in some kind of conference. (This is shown by a close-up of a man watching the video, with the screen reflected in his glasses) At this conference people are asleep, this adds a comedic quality to this film. There is also a contrast between the upbeat oil video and the businessmen. The exaggeration used in this opening also signifies that this film is comedic.
Although it is not completely clear who Local Hero represents at this stage, I would imagine it was businessmen, such as the man in the white car. The class is probably average, as there is no particular reference to class in this opening, however the region is obviously Texas, as it is mentioned on the radio, and is shown in the oil video. Disability, ethnicity, gender and age do not appear to be referenced particularly, however the man in the white car appears to have no visible disability, he is probably American and I would estimate that he is in his early 30s.

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