Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assigned roles for making a Film Opening.

The roles to be assigned are: 

1. Typography 
This includes creating title-boards, font, sizing, spacing and positioning must be considered. Also relating to credits during the film opening. 

2. Story Narrative
This is basically deciding on the story-line of the film. A narrative time-line should be made, listing the various sequences in a 3 act structure. There must be narrative closure, or pay-off to ensure the audience feels gratified by the ending of the film, and feels that there is some meaning to it. There should also be narrative arcs. (Basically a visual representation of the high and low points of the plot and it's dramatic developments, including key turning points, or moments of particular importance.)

3. Audience research
This is basically looking into the types of people that may want to watch the film, and finding out how to appeal to them. Decide what age group it is suitable for, and who may find it entertaining for whatever reason.

4. Visual planning
This includes story-boarding, and generally planning the film opening using narrative time-lines and/or maps.

5. Music
A score must be chosen that is suitable for the film, and must be applied to the film opening accordingly. If applicable a motif of sorts may be established. (Though it is a very early stage in the film, so that may not be a realistic option.) Ambient sound may be used, and also dialogue or possibly a voice-over. 

6. Casting. 
Locations must be established, and also a schedule for when things are to be shot. Also actors must be chosen to play the characters. If there are particular features needed in the world of the film, the casting director should probably arrange that.  

Relating to my project:
Me and Clara have assigned the roles of Visual Planning and Music to me, and Audience Research and Typography to her. We are communally working on the Story Narrative and Casting. 
 We have already finished most of our work on Story Narrative, however we intend to decide on all the casting business in class, or in our various meetings. 

I will make a full narrative time-line diagram and storyboard to be uploaded, and research western and also zombie sound motifs, as well as researching the conventions of western film scores. (Probably staring with The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.) 

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