Sunday 9 October 2011

Analysing Film Openings: Brokeback Mountain
All of the institutions who took part in the production of this film are credited at the beginning, before the film actually starts. (Focus Features and River Road Entertainment) It is clear that this film has a high production value, as even this early on in the film, a public place is used. (The road) 
Gentle music is used to open this film, this sets the tone for the entire film, however when this music ends only diagetic sounds are used. This makes the silence between Ennis and Jack much more momentous and meaningful. Although no definite themes are shown yet, the tension between the 2 men denotes themes of homosexuality. Also although you cannot tell this from the opening alone, gay people are mediated in this film. They are represented as normal people who are discriminated against. This film is set in the 1960s (as shown in a subtitle to set a time-context) and it is a known fact that gay people were discriminated against in those years. 
The setting is also made obvious by the denim, the hats and the boots conventional of Texas. The hats are worn low over the men's faces, showing that they are trying to avoid eye-contact. It also lends mystery to both of them. The shot/reverse shots used show that they are watching each other and already formulating opinions about one another, this is reinforced by the close-up of the car-wing mirror where Jack is watching Ennis' reflection. It is clear that there is some sexual tension between them even at this early a stage in the film. 

Brokeback Mountain is a very subtle film and is therefore aimed at a mature and perceptive audience.  

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