Tuesday 18 October 2011

Film Opening Music

The music we will use has to be western themed, but become intense fairly quickly to correspond with the zombies and their battle. Ideally the music would be fairly dark to give zombie-esque qualities, and should also have a pause for the establishing shot in which the 2 zombie begin to shuffle towards each other. (But that is very specific, so it is unlikely that I will find something exactly right, and will have to make do with whatever I can find.) 

I listened to many western film scores on you-tube, but I have narrowed my choices down to these two: 

The first video, "A Fistfull Of Dollars" is also by Ennio Morricone, and is much more traditionally western, however I think the second song would fit out film opening much better. 

I prefer the second one as not only does it sound much more zombie-esque, while still being originally western,  but it provides a good link to the modern themes that our opening includes. Zombie films are a fairly modern concept, so using this will blend the modern zombie aspects with the old western themes much more effectively. This song was originally composed by Ennio Morricone for the film, "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", however Metallica have done a cover of it and used it extensively in their concerts. There is also a suitable pause in this song before the heavier guitar comes in, which could be used to our advantage. 

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