Wednesday 2 November 2011

My Film Opening

Our creative uses of technical skills include varying shot distances, having the music tempo match the film and also matching the pauses in the sound-track with pauses in the film. We will also use editing to create greater effects on the audience when Zombies appear in the film.

Much of our film opening is filmed using hand-held or Steadicam, however all of our stationary, or panning shots are filmed using a tripod so as to keep the shots still. The steadicam is used to elevate the tension and give a sense of urgency to the film, but the shots using a tripod help the audience to understand what's going on better, while still keeping the perspective of the Little Guy while he is still conscious. When he falls unconscious there is no more steadicam in the opening, showing a change of perspective.

In the shot with the little guy lying in the middle, the shot is framed by the two zombies, and the film opens with a tilt shot on the scene with the little guy running through it. This is framed by the buildings and trees, however not much else is framed very well. We should probably think about that some more. 

We have varied our shot distance appropriately in the bit where the two zombies are about to try to attack the little guy. There is a number of close-ups on the zombies, followed by a long shot of the two zombies with the little guy in the middle.

Our film opening is appropriate for the task as it shows a range of techniques as well as being of a subject matter appealing to a wide audience. 

As our film would hypothetically be set around the beginning of a zombie apocalypse we were sure to include many posters relating to curfews and zombie safety and such. Also all of the buildings are still standing. (However if we had a higher budget we would probably set some fires and break some windows in an empty street, and ensure that everything is more dirty and dark.)

When editing we will probably slow some shots down to put emphasis on the horror of being in a zombie apocalypse. We will also break up any concentrated amounts of close-ups with long shots or establishing shots so as to include as much detail as possible while following a narrative. 

We intend to use alot of zombie sound effects such as groaning. The only dialogue we have in out opening is "Eat timber" said by the hero at the end, and this is said with no soundtrack of sound effects in the background to draw emphasis to how relaxed the hero is, and how he seems to gain pleasure from killing zombies. We are going to use Metallica's cover of Ecstasy of Gold as our soundtrack in the opening. This is because it is a western song, but with a modern twist that will tie in with the mixed genres nicely. 

Our title's font relates to both zombies and cowboys as it incorporates aspects of both genre's typography. We will also put credits over certain shots in the opening, mostly in the darker areas on the screen, possibly in red writing so it matches the themes of horror, while not looking out of place in the shots. 

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