Tuesday 22 November 2011

Filming schedule

Shoot film: 26th October (2pm - Summertown)

Reserve filming date: 30th October (2pm - Summertown)

Editing: 29th November (My house after school)

We managed our time effectively by creating a group thread on facebook, to see when our whole cast was available. Originally we were considering filming on 28th October, however we had to change our date due to unavailability (A father's birthday.)

We planned a reserve date for filliming incase we didn't finish filming on our in
itial date, or if we had to cancel for whatever reason. Upon uploading our footage to my computer we discovered a shot missing, so on 30th we filmed that shot and all was well.

We have each worked on individual pieces of editing/typography/music, and on 29th November we are going to combine our work and hopefully finish our film opening. :)

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