Tuesday 31 January 2012

2nd Draft of my Film Opening

Stuff to change/edit from our first draft:

•Credits and typography
•Shot improvements

Though we had already created our title board, we didn’t have any other credits on shots in our opening. We used the same fonts and colours to add names into the first few shots.
We were advised to add more to the first few shots of the film. We have added more sound effects to the build up of sound ending in the lamp post crash.These include a heart beat, zombie, car alarm, footsteps and breathing sound effects which all help build the tension of the scene.

We were advised to add more to the first few shots of the film. We have added more sound effects to the build up of sound ending in the lamp post crash. These include a heart beat, zombie, car alarm, footsteps and breathing sound effects which all help build the tension of the scene.
To make the editing smoother as was suggested, we refilmed a shot of one of the zombies falling over and edited this in to our first draft. This made it much easier to follow and made The moment more impacting. 

To make the mise-en-scene more in keeping with the aesthetics of our two genres, we originally added zombie warning posters to the background. However, these were difficult to see in our first draft so we filmed more shots of them that made them clearer.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Preliminary Task Plans!

An idea we had for our preliminary task was a film about a sandwich.
. Walk in room
. Walk to fridge
. Look in fridge
. Take out jam
. Knife from draw
. Bread from bag
. PB from cupboard
. Plate from cupboard
. Unscrew lids
. Fly-on-wall of stuff on counter
. Panning across stuff (Western style?)
. Eyes panning/close-up?
. Knifes from pocket like guns
. Violent spreading
. Slam sandwich shut
. Intense sandwich pick-up
. Shot - reverse - shot of sandwich
. End on bite.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Feedback on my Opening

I need to hold some of my shots more steady and include more camera movement. I could even improve my shot distances a bit, but that's not so much of an issue.
 My mise-en-scene is not exactly western, however as this film has a modern context as well, and we wanted to include some more modern mise-en-scene. Also we didn't have a desert at hand... The costume, sound and filming style is fairly western. 

Some aspects we did well were:
Shots we used, framing, editing and sequencing, soundtrack and typography. (However we have improved the titleboard for our company logo. 

We also intend to overlay more sound effects during the build-up to running into the lamp-post.
We will add close-ups of the posters and re-do the shot with the Little Guy lying on the floor, as it's way too messy. 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Some Extra Zombie Work:


I made another video on zombies just for fun. :)