Tuesday 20 September 2011

Three requiarments of preliminary tasks!

1. Match on action (Continuity editing)
This is how you make the different shots run together smoothly. If there is an action going on, to capture it using more than 1 shot you must use continuity editing. This is where you pick up the action in the new shot where you left it in the previous one.
E.G. A close-up of a door handle being turned is followed by a tracking shot of the person opening the door.

2. The 180* rule
When shooting a scene, you must not cross the 180* line. This is an imaginary line or boundry that stops you from filming anything outside a 180* scope.  Apparently if you cross this line the film could become dissorientating for the audience.

3. Shot/reverse shot convention
This must be used at some point in your prelim task. It is when a shot is repeated, but on the opposite side that it was originally. It can be used in exchanges between characters.
E.G. Over the shoulder shot, or POV shot.

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