Thursday 29 September 2011

Production Values and Verisimilitude.

Production values

  • How much a film/TV program costs to produce.
  • TV is cheaper, so therefore has a lower production value. 
  • TV's PV is spread over 9 or so hours of filminess.
  • TV is usually filmed in studios whereas films are mostly filmed on location, so TV is cheaper. It costs more to hire/use a public/private location, not your own studio. 
  • Low PV films sometimes make more profit than high PV films. 
    • E.G. Blair Witch Project = Low PV, but is more successful than many high PV films.*
  •  PV is affected by:         
    • Actors,
    •  Locations,
    • Effects,
    • Expensive shots/angles/movement (E.g. Helicopter or crane shots),
    • Equipment. (E.G. Paranormal Activity = Cheapo camera) 

* Benefits of using cheapo equipment:
Makes film seem more realistic and therefore more shocking as paranormal unrealistic themes are juxtoposed with realistic filming techniques. (Hand-held camera, only diagetic sound, Etc.) 


  • The quality of realism in something. 
  • Qualities in-keeping with the style and/or themes in a film/TV?

 E.G. It is unlikely that a giant magic unicorn with breast implants would galavant into the courtroom in Judge Judy. Meaning said unicorn is not a common theme in Judge Judy, and as Judge Judy is a reality TV program, and most people do not consider unicorns realistic, this would be lacking in verisimilitude. Whereas if a giant magic unicorn with breast implants galavanted across a rainbow in the My Little Pony movie it would be much more verisimilitudinous. (Thought not completely, as Ponies are not unicorns.)  

Sorry I think I got a little carried away with that example... But it turned out too beastly to replace.

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