Saturday 3 December 2011

Film Opening - First edit

Our completed first edit:

We still need to add titles to the beginning shot. We intend to only put titles over the first shot, as the following ones have too much movement, so would just be disorientating with titles. We created the title today, but due to my editing program (Power Director 8) the text went fuzzy and pixilated every time we actually played the clip; it was fine in the editing process. We also tried adding it as an image instead of text, and applying chroma key to remove the white background, but that went fuzzy too.

We also still need to add a breathing sound effect and a heartbeat sound effect. We did actually add the heartbeat.. so I'm not sure where that went... but it's probably something to do with the multiple sound tracks added to this video. We have multiple video tracks too. The split-screen we used needs to have the previous shot taken out from behind it, the timing in the sequencing got a bit messed up there. Other than that we just need to tighten up the bit where the Zombie gets beaten with Mildred, the stick, by the hero. 

We'll do all that stuff in the next editing session. 

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