Tuesday 1 November 2011

Write-up on My Short Film.

My film was a music video for Green Day's "Wake me up when September ends", documenting my travels to the arctic last summer. I wanted to show the audience the sheer awesomeness of that I experienced while also showing how completely serene some of the places I was were. This is partly why I chose that song, as it has a fairly slow tempo, while breaking into heavier guitar at some points. I tried to match the tempo and volume of the music with a similar speed in the footage. I hoped for my video to have an almost epic feel. 

I included alot of shots of birds soaring in the open sky to illustrate how amazing it was to travel in these places, and the feelings of freedom I felt. At one point I included a shot of a buzzard flyng overhead, I began this shot at its original speed, but when the music became a bit heavier I sped up the clip so the effect was slightly more jerky and wild, and also less serene-looking, to match the music. When the buzzard had wheeled around and was almost directly overhead again I slowed the clip to its original speed to bring more focus to how beautiful the bird was. This not only paralleled the overall impression of the places featured, but it gives more substance to the theme of travelling. This is assisted by various shots from out of windows on transports such as buses, trains and planes. 

As the music became more intense towards the end, I used only panning of landscapes as apposed to breaking this up with close-ups and such. I changed shot at the end of every bar or music. This was followed by the music suddenly becoming quieter over a shot of a plane's wing out of the window. This shot was also used at the begining of this video so it almost turned full circle. It was also very still in comparison to the aforementioned panning to matched the soundtrack.  I sequenced in like this to show the epic expanses of land covered and the incredible experiences. The wild music matched the wild places I saw. 

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